Me and Amanda in our matching coats!!!

On the way home Amanda spotted a Quiznos, so we thought it would be fitting to eat turkey on Thanksgiving the only way we can, in a sandwich. When we got back from shopping we met at Fish and Grill and had drinks with some of the girls from SLP.
Our $10 small Quiznos turkey sandwiches were delicious on Thanksgiving!!!Friday after work I went and bought a Christmas tree. It was the same tree that two other girls from SLP have, but when I got it home and opened the box, it was a white tree!!!! Yuck. I refused to set it up, and I returned it for a green tree. It was surprisingly easy to return, they didn't even ask me any questions. I set up the tree and it looks MUCH better than the dollar store tree.
The weekend was spent doing the normal Hungdae, Ho bar tour. On Saturday afternoon I went to Korean class and was very very frustrated because I felt like everyone else "got it" and I didn't. I'm going to study this week and hopefully be better next class.
You can't really tell, but this was some rice drink we got at Korean class. It tasted bad and had rice floating in it!!!

My Korean teacher, SoHee. That also happens to be the name of one of the Wondergirls, a famous girl band in Korea!You can't really tell, but this was some rice drink we got at Korean class. It tasted bad and had rice floating in it!!!
On Sunday night Amanda, Lindsey, John, and I went bowling in Korea!!! It was wicked fun, and there are pictures on someone elses camera that I will try and get soon. Bowling is the same as back home, except that you kind of bowl with the people next to you. Meaning that they wait and watch you while you bowl, and then you have to wait and watch them bowl. The other bowlers next to us were cheering for us too. And John was bowing to them men next to us, and they were bowing to us after each throw, but I just kind of nodded my head like "Thanks for cheering for me guys" kind of thing. They also went and bought us these energy drinks in a can that tasted like watermelon juice. The other girls didn't like theirs but I thought it tasted pretty yummy! John gave me a 10 point handicap about a week ago, and we made a bet that whoever lost had to do an hour worth of correcting for the other person. I won even without the 100 point handicap!!! I only needed about 40 points to beat him!!! Sooooo now he has to do an hour worth of book reports for me!
After bowling we went to the pool hall on the next level. It was very smokey and bright, and was filled with Korean young men. Amanda, Lindsey and I were the only girls in the place. They brought over a tray of grape soda for us. Strangey...... Also, Koreans think that regular pool is for girls, and they play this other game that I can't think of the name for. It only has three balls and there are no holes. They use different tables than regular pool. There was only one regular pool table, and the rest were tables with no holes. John and this other boy played pool for awhile, and the Koreans were probably laughing at them for playing on the only "girly" table in the place!
Something VERY exciting happened today...... I walked into my building after being harassed outside(I'll get back to that) and I saw there was a note on my mailbox! That means I got a package!!!!! I ran into the office holding the note, and guess what was there......
MY FIRST PIECE OF AMERICAN MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!! My grandma mailed a package before Halloween, and I just got it today! There is a note on it that says "MISSENT TO TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS." I don't know how that happened! Anyway, I am so excited to get a piece of home here in Korea. Inside is Halloween candy! Thanks Grandma!!!!!
When I was walking to my building after going to Yungsung with some girls from work, there was a man walking the other way, and he stopped me and said he was reading some script and listening to it on an MP3, and he wanted me to listen to it and tell him what it said. I was really confused, and a little nervous, but I said I'd help him, he looked harmless and there were tons of people around so he couldn't kidnap me or anything. I didn't want to put his dirty earphone in my ear, so I just held one up to my ear so I could hear. As I was listening I stood away from him incase he was trying to pickpocket me or something, and I had a magazine in my hand, and he went to touch my magazine and I pulled away from him and he bowed to me and kept apologizing over and over. I told him what the sentence was, and walked away quickly. Strangey..... The noise sounded like a movie or something, and it was an English man saying "Now they will have stories to tell for a long time" and he was saying it really fast.
I will try not to get so far behind on my blog postings. It's just so hard to keep up with all the exciting things going on!
How very funny that Gramma's package was sent to BVI....Dad's very favorite place in the whole world. Just last night, he and I were discussing whether or not we'd do our sailing trip in BVI this June (we've been going every other year, and this year is the year we should go) or to visit you in Korea. We'd like to do both, but it probably isn't possible. I'll let you know what we decide. NOOOOO..... just kidding! Of course, we're going to Korea.
I'm glad we now know why that package never arrived; I feel safer sending a Christmas package now. I love you and miss you very much. Talk to you soon.
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